Submit R&D proposal
Statnett wants proposals for new research and development projects. All you need to do is to complete the form below, upload relevant documents, and press "next".
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Required fields are marked with asterisk (*)
About proposer
First name
First name is required
Surname is required
Organization is required
Phone number
Phone number is required
Please enter a valid phone number
E-mail address is required
Please add a valid e-mail address
Your proposal
Title is required
The title field cannot contain the following characters: # ^ % & * : < > ? \ / { | } ~
What kind of problem do you want to solve?
Problem description is required
Short project description
Short description is required
What's in it for Statnett
What's in it for Statnett is reuired
How should results be communicated?
The title field cannot contain the following characters: # ^ % & * : < > ? \ / { | } ~
Has anyone in Statnett been involved in discussing your project? Who?
Area of development
Choose the area of development you think fits best
Energy system 2050 and offshore development
System operation and market solutions
Asset management and Technology development
HSE and sustainability
Program is required
Educational institution
Project type
Is it planned to apply for financial support? If so, please choose the correct one
Research Council of Norway Others
Research Council of Norway KPN
Research Council of Norway IPN
Innovation Norway
EU project
Collaboration (multiple contributors)
Project type is required
Start date
End date
A date value must be on the format
A date value must be on the format
Project participants
If you don't have anything to enter, enter N/A
R&D supplier(s)
R&D supplier(s) is required
Partners is required
Other partners
Other parters is required
Project owner
Project owner is required
Project manager
Estimated budget and expectation of Statnetts level of involvement. I.e. project meetings, workshops, extraction of data and technical contribution
Total budget (estimated)
Total budget is required
Statnett in-kind
Statnett cash contribution
Statnett in-kind is required
Statnett cash contribution is required
Funding from Research Council of Norway etc.
Contribution from other parters etc.
Technology Readiness Level
Start TRL
Target TRL
Choose from 1 to 9
1 - Basic principles observed
2 - Technology concept formulated
3 - Experimental proof of concept
4 - Technology validated in lab
5 - Technology validated in relevant environment
6 - Technology demonstrated in relevant environment
7 - System prototype demonstration in operational environment
8 - System complete and qualified
9 - Actual system proven in operational environment
Choose from 1 to 9
1 - Basic principles observed
2 - Technology concept formulated
3 - Experimental proof of concept
4 - Technology validated in lab
5 - Technology validated in relevant environment
6 - Technology demonstrated in relevant environment
7 - System prototype demonstration in operational environment
8 - System complete and qualified
9 - Actual system proven in operational environment
Please attach a detailed project description (max file size: 10MB).
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Statnett is subject to "Offentleglova" (Public Act). We will exempt business secrets from disclosure, including sensitive parts of project proposals submitted to us.
We reserve the right to discuss proposals internally in Statnett and with relevant partners of the Nordic Network Operators. If we need additional third party statements / expert assessment to be able to evaluate the proposal, the proposer will be given the opportunity to give input to this.
All proposals will be processed and proposer will receive feedback of the outcome or information about further process.
Beyond this, Statnett assumes no obligations by receiving project proposals.
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